Photo by King's Queen Originally posted on Artist of the Soul blog |
I don't know where I first heard the phrase, "Bloom where you are planted," but I can say for sure that I never really understood what it meant until a couple of years ago.
Bloom where you are planted...
It is a lesson that I feel like I have had to learn and relearn over the past few years. To me, it means to find contentment in your current environment and to learn and grow there. Complaining about where we are in life often holds us back; it keeps us from learning and growing, but God can use us no matter where we are. We may not like the place that He has planted us, but He wants to make us bloom in order to show the world that it is Him at work in us.
Most of the time, I find myself saying, "Lord, if you would only move me over there, I could be happy and really serve You more!" I am the one who cries out to the Lord saying, "I have faith!! Why won't you move this mountain?!" However, the Lord is gently whispering:
"My child, if I move the mountain, you will not experience what it is like to see me work in the shadows, and you will not learn what it means to rise from the ashes!"
Isn't it amazing that God can do His work despite the circumstances working against us! I feel so convicted about complaining, because I can see now just how little my faith has been. I think it takes more faith to live content in the shadow of the mountain, than it does to move the mountain! I have finally come to the conclusion that there is more that God wants to do, more goodness and power that He wants to show, and by helping me to bloom in the shadows, He is making His glory known.
I am the Lord; there is no other god.
I will give you the strength you need,
although you do not know me.
6 I do this so that everyone
from one end of the world to the other
may know that I am the Lord
and that there is no other god.
7 I create both light and darkness;
I bring both blessing and disaster.
I, the Lord, do all these things.
8 I will send victory from the sky like rain;
the earth will open to receive it
and will blossom with freedom and justice.
I, the Lord, will make this happen.Isaiah 45: 5-8 (GNT)
This Friday, it feels fabulous to know that God sends victory like rain to bring us to bloom. He makes our lives blossom even in the shadows of the mountain. I can see this in my life right now. There are so many ways that He is bringing me to life and and causing me to break forth into bloom. He is teaching me to be content in my current environment and to make the most of each moment even though I may feel that I am in a place where I can no longer bloom. He is teaching me that it is not my environment that causes me to is His grace and mercy, His glory and power!
Jesus says in John 10:10 (ESV):
I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.I firmly believe that life abundantly grows from within. It is not connected to our socioeconomic standing, popularity, or intellect. It is not connected to any earthly situation or circumstance. Abundant life is...blooming where you are planted! Abundant life is that contentment and joy that comes from trusting the Lord and choosing to see Him in everything! Abundant life is to be present in the here and now, not worrying about the future and not mourning over the past!
The song Dry Bones by Gungor has really spoken to me lately about seeking out God and crying out to Him for this life abundant instead of trying to find life abundant where I think it ought to be. The one line in this song that sticks out to me the most says, "Jesus, you're the One of saves us, constantly creates us into something new." What an amazing thought! The song goes on to say, "Life is breaking out." If we truly cry out to Him and trust Him despite our environment and circumstances right now, He will cause life to break out in us!
This song is very unique, and it really spoke to me. Although it's not a "happy song," I think it fits the message of what I am learning and what I am trying to say today. If you're not really into the song, just hold out for the end and the hope in the lyrics there.
If you really want to have a WOW moment with this song, then watch this video version:
I have seen God working miracles of life in me this week. What started as a very difficult week, has ended with the fabulous feeling of growth and progress towards the "me" that I am supposed to be. Over the past few weeks, I have felt this revival creeping slowly upon me, awakening the life in me! I think we must go through the darkest dryest times in order to break into the abundant life. This life is found in Jesus, and He gives it to us right where we are.
I have one last thought regarding the well-known phrase, Bloom where you are planted:
Remember, God doesn't always change our circumstance... sometimes He changes us instead!
I am looking forward to blossoming even more beauitfully for Him in the weeks and months and years to come!
Mountain Laurel Beginning to Bloom Photo by King's Queen |
i'll have to come back and listen to all the songs later as hubby is beside me watching racing. :(
ReplyDeleteRemember, God doesn't always change our circumstance... sometimes He changes us instead!
I love this! it's so true... He will supernaturally change circumstances for us at times but as a good Father and teacher.... He allows us the experience that builds character - he knows how important it is for us to war against the parts of our flesh nature that hinder us... :)