Thursday, December 8, 2011

Blessings: A KINGdom Encounters Update

It has been a little while since we have updated the blog, and there are tons of things we would like to post about. However, time has just slipped by us so fast. Even though, I am no longer working full-time, I have still been so busy with church, our Cub Scout Pack, and the many home responsibilities that have piled up from years of living life at breakneck speed!!

As of this very moment, we have half of our outdoor Christmas decorations up and NONE of the indoor decorations. I am really beginning to feel as if all the decorations are not worth the time and effort involved in getting them out and putting them up. Christmas is really not about the decorations anyhow.

Within the next week or so, I plan to do a post on the Advent season and what Christmas really means to me. I hope that it will be a post that encourages everyone to move past the trappings of the season and get to the heart of the matter... worshiping the King. I hope to continue to share the blessings that God has given me, just as I tried to do during the weeks leading up to the Thanksgiving holiday.

Over the past few months, it has been a real blessing to be able to spend more time with my family and friends and deepen my relationships with others as I continue to deepen my relationship with the Lord. It has been especially wonderful to be able to spend some quality time with my husband! We have come through so much this year and God is teaching us many many things. Before the year is over, I intend to share some details and pictures regarding our 5th Anniversary Vow Renewal Ceremony that was held back in August and share with you some wonderful memories from the past 5 years of marriage.

Another blessing in my life right now has been the opportunities I have had spend time with my brother and his precious girlfriend. They have both enriched our lives in so many ways with their infectious joy and passion for worship. I want to share a video of them singing a song that they wrote together. It is a sweet song with a double meaning. I hope you enjoy it!

Rich For Always

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