Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday's Wonder: Atheists

I wonder what attracts people to atheist views. They claim that it is too hard to believe that God exists. I find it too hard not to. I wonder if they are just afraid to acknowledge that they are not in control of their own "destiny". Look at everything around you. I just find it hard to believe that the universe could continue on without being in God's hands. Take creation for instance... Most atheist will adapt the big bang theory or evolution... so I say to those atheists what caused the big bang to start or what caused that first micro organism to evolve for the first time.

They say that there is no proof of God so he can't be real. I say absence of proof is not proof of absence. I would rather believe that there is a God who is in control rather than to think everything is by chance.

 I love to hike in the National Park near my house, and as I hike and see wild animals who are a healthy weight and trees that have stood for hundreds of years, I have to believe that they are around because there is a God.

How can cancer be healed? How can a soldier be shot in his chest and the bullet exits his back but no organs were hit? How can a car be totaled but the driver walk away? How can a man come home to a basket of food on his porch without anyone knowing he just lost his job? I wonder if that was God or just coincidence?

 A wise person once said, "A coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous." I wonder if you were an atheist when you started reading this and if you still are now. There is A God that is in control of everything, and He loves you. I wonder if you will accept His love today.

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