Monday, August 13, 2012

Ministry Monday: It Will All Be Clear

Last week on Ministry Monday, I shared a little bit about the changes coming in our ministry, Middle Man Ministries, and I shared about the huge step of faith we are taking, especially where finances are concerned. We have been praying and working hard since then to make sure that we are on the path that the Lord would have us go down with our ministry. We have almost finished making changes to our website that reflect our new vision and calling. Things have really been coming together and the Lord has confirmed our decision in so many, I should have seen the attack coming!

This weekend was rough. A couple of things happened that just really tried to knock the wind out of our sails, and I admit that I really let it get to me. However, in the midst of all the uncertainty and lack, God did speak and give a little glimmer of hope. After having a pretty bad morning and worrying a lot, as usual, I remembered this small glimpse of God this here is the story:

Sunday was our 6th Wedding Anniversary, and although we have been struggling financially, Mr. The King wanted to take me to one of my favorite places to eat, Panera Bread. As we sat there eating lunch, I felt such despair in my spirit. The thought of the money that we had spent for lunch and all of our financial needs and uncertainty just began to weigh on me. Then as I lifted my gaze and stared out the window, I saw something amazing. Where there was once people gathered around the patio tables enjoying their Sunday afternoon meal, there was now a host of little birds pecking away at crumbs on the table tops and on the ground below. I watched thoughtfully as the birds patiently gathered all the little crumbs they could find, and then a few minutes later a little girl emerged with a baguette in her hand. She began to pinch off chunks of the bread and toss them to the birds. At that moment, I received the message loud and clear:

Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?
“So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
                                                                 Matthew 6:26-27, 31-33 NLT

As, I was trying to calm my heart today, I remembered that experience and those scriptures. The Lord also brought to my mind today a discovery that we made about a month ago. In a watering can on our front porch a mother bird made a nest, and her little baby found comfort and rest there. That mother bird didn't worry! She took what God had put in front of her, and with His help, she used what she had to make a home for her little baby.

So, I have taken my lessons from the birds today, and I am ready to follow the Lord in life and ministry where ever He leads, and leave the worrying and fear behind. I'm not saying that I have left the worry wagon...worry is unfortunately still a big struggle for me, even at this very moment...but I am going to keep looking back at these little birds and looking straight ahead at the path that God has put before me. I am going to be brave! I am going to move forward and settle my heart on Him!

This song has been very comforting today as well...

By Phillip Phillips

1 comment:

  1. the birds are such a powerful reminder!
    God WILL make it clear.

    Like the baby bird in the watering can... you need to just hunker down and trust your Father even though it doesn't seem like this is where you should be, you know?!

    Love ya x
