As followers of Christ and Ministers of the Gospel, the King's aim to "seek first the Kingdom." They minister together in Knoxville, TN through their ministry, Middle Man Ministries. This blog contains their hopes, dreams, and daily struggles as they strive to encounter the Kingdom of God in ministry & daily life.
If Ember turns out anything like her mother, she will be easily distracted by life and find it hard to filter out all the noise and focus on the important things. This can probably be said of most of us today. Our world is filled with noise, and the noise gets louder everyday. Television, radio, billboards, magazines, newspapers, politics, internet, social media, new technologies, and much much more are crowding out the important things in life, the things that should be our main priorities. In the middle of all of this, we are drowning beneath the heavy weight of expectations and responsibilities that God never put on us. The bottom line is that we need to learn to hear God's voice, and that is our prayer for Ember today, that in the midst of all the noise, she would hear God's voice.
This song has been the cry of my heart for sometime now, and it is my prayer for Ember and for the two of us as Ember's parents.
Stop the World
By Mathew West
Dear Lord, we pray that You would help our daughter to filter out the noise of this world and to hear You clearly. Give her eyes to see You and ears to hear Your voice in a world that is blind and deaf to Your work and Your ways. God, we pray that as her parents, we would also be able to sift through the noise and hear Your voice when it comes to making decisions for our family. Help us to set a example for Ember by spending time away from the chaos listening to You. Lord, make it clear to our daughter that time spent listening to You is time well spent! This is our prayer as we wait to meet our precious little girl!
I had never heard that song. I like it!