Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 73: Ember Faith Prayer Countdown

Today, I (Lauren) have been extremely grateful! I had a dream about the birth of my baby girl, and when I woke up, my head and heart were filled with images of soft peachy cream skin, big hazel eyes, and soft wispy red hair. I don't know what Ember will really look like, but I do know that no matter what she looks like, I will be so thankful for her...we both will. As we get closer to her arrival, our awe and gratitude increases. I hope that we are always able to recognize the good gifts of God and be thankful for them, and I want the same thing for my daughter. So today, we pray that Ember would possess an attitude of gratitude.

Dear Father, we are so thankful for the gift of this child that You are giving us. Our hearts burst with joy each time we feel her move. It is always a wonderful reminder of Your awesomeness and Your loving presence with us. Lord, we pray that we will always feel this gratitude in our hearts, and we pray that our daughter will also be grateful to You for all that she is given. We know that all good gifts come from You, so we ask that You would give us and Ember hearts that worship You and thank You for ALL THINGS!
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
                                                                                        James 1:17 ESV
 In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, always give thanks for everything to God the Father.
                                                                                        Ephesians 5:20 GNT

Father, may we teach Ember to be thankful in both good times and bad. When things are difficult, help her to focus on all that she has to be thankful for! May the gratitude that she holds in her heart sustain in her darkest hour. May she never lose sight of all that You have done for her and all the good gifts that You have given her. This we pray with grateful hearts as we await the arrival of our precious Ember Faith.

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