On this Ministry Monday, the first Ministry Monday of the KINGdom Encounters blog, Mr. The King and I will both introduce you to our ministries (in separate posts). The idea this week is to give you a little taste of how we serve the Lord and how we have served in the past. We hope to talk specifically about some of our ministries in the weeks to come, as well as explain our ministry goals and introduce you to ministries that we admire.
About My Ministries
Although I felt a call on my life as a teenager, I didn't realize my call to ministry until I was in college. I was always led to believe that women could not enter ministry as a profession, so it was a really a struggle for me to go against the grain (it still is sometimes). However, there is no doubt in mind that God has called me to ministry.
I understand and believe that as Christians, we are all called to minister because we were instructed by Jesus, during his final moments on earth, to go make disciples, to baptize, and to teach (Matthew 28: 19-20). However, I have felt a strong call on my life to serve Him by leading people into a better understanding of spiritual things, including the Bible, God, the Holy Spirit, worship, and our spiritual walk (a daily relationship with Christ).
As a college student, every summer, I interned in Children's Ministry and Children's Music Ministry at a church in my hometown. Through this amazing experience, I realized how much I loved working in ministry. After graduating with a B.A. in Religion, I took a job as a Youth Director at a local church. Then following some difficulty, I took about a 3 year break from church ministry. Then in February of this year, my husband and I were approached about a Student Ministry position at small inner city church. After much prayer, we decided to take it, and the church also asked me to come on as their Worship Leader. That has been a new and exciting opportunity, and I will share more about it in future posts.
Photo by The King's Queen |
During the 3 years in which I took a break from church ministry, I focused on my Music Ministry. I wrote several songs, recorded a CD (which I am not really satisfied with), sang at various local and regional events (including Dollywood!), and released a couple of songs to radio. I also helped my hubby start up a new business called Middle Man Ministries, which I am sure he will tell you about in his post. To be completely honest, I wasn't really satisfied during this stage of my ministry. I really missed serving in a larger capacity in the local church, but God used this time in ministry to really break me and work on my heart.
I am really excited to be back in church ministry and using my musical gifts at the same time. It is challenging and at times stressful and difficult, but I am allowing the Lord to shape and teach me as I put aside fear and self-doubt and step out in faith to do a new thing for Him.
My husband and I both hope to one day be given the privilege to serve in ministry full-time. We both work a couple of jobs to make ends meet right now, and we wish that we could focus more time and energy on our ministries. However, we are trying to trust the Lord to give us strength and seek out His will and His wisdom for our financial situation and the future of our ministries.
thanks for sharing, it's great to get to know more about you :) x