Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Terrific Tuesday Anyone?

Today, you may be having to work, sick, dreading a dentist or doctors visit, and you're thinking, "What's so Terrific about Tuesday?"... Well, I'm sorry to say it, but if you have to ask that question then there is nothing that will be terrific about today!

In my life I tend to allow circumstances to control how I feel each day. It seems that if one small bad thing happens to me, I allow it to effect my entire day. The crazy part is... I choose that, but there is truth to this cliché that I've been told all my life: "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

 Last Sunday in our youth small group that I lead, we talked about being content. Now that lesson focused on contentment versus greed for material things, but as I reflect on the open discussion we had, I realized that  it's just a choice to be happy with the material things we already have. It is also a choice to be happy with the circumstances in our lives. We know that tragedy will strike both the righteous and unrighteous people... It's called life and it's gonna happen, but to allow your circumstances to affect your entire day is silly. You may think "Well Mr you don't know my troubles!" You're right, but as I was teaching my youth Sunday, God brought to my attention the story of Job. Job did not only lose material possessions but family, friends, and his own health. He took the circumstances and continued to praise God because he knew that God had his hand on him. He took lemons and made lemonade!!!

Now we don't find a passage that says Job was happy... and I know that if all of that stuff happened to me, I would find it pretty hard to be happy. How can we have a TERRIFIC TUESDAY when the struggles of life beat us down??? The good news is that regardless of how bad I have it, I am convinced that it will never be as bad as Job had it. I can grumble and complain about the junk in my life, or I can realize that somewhere in the world there is a person whose best day ever is still not close to being as good as my worst. Simply put,
there is always someone with a worse day.

Today may bring some unpleasantries, but I can choose to boast in the fact that wherever I go, whatever happens to me, the hand of God has already been there. Now that makes me happy and will make today TERIFFIC!!!

Here is the choice that you have... sit in your own gloom and doom as a defeated person or stand tall because you are a chosen child of God who has all of God's promises to look forward to. Whether or not today is a Terrific Tuesday is mostly up to you choosing to make it that way!


  1. Wonderful! Wonderful! We all need to remember that!

    Life is 10% about what happens to you and 90% about the attitude you have as you deal with it!

  2. great post... it is truth!
    I can't comment on the post about fathers day for asome reason but i read it in my google reader earlier and just wanted to say i loved it. what an amazing story about your brother! thanks so much for sharing it :)

  3. Thanks Mrs C! Sorry about about the Father's Day Post. It was posted accidentally before i was finished, so I turned it back into a draft so that I could finish it later. The full post is up now!

  4. ahh! I thought I was loosing it LOL. well that makes me feel a little better so :)
