Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 77: Ember Faith Prayer Countdown

Humility... if you ask my wife I'm sure she will tell you that this is something I (Shane) need to learn rather than teach... so praying for another person (even my daughter) to have a humble heart is a little awkward. Being a radio announcer and being the master of ceremonies of various concerts puts my life in the bright lights of the stage. The hardest thing for me to do is to juggle between taking pride in my accomplishments and being humble when a listener compliments me on how my "show" was that day. My answer customarily is... "I am just glad that God can use this crazy mixed up guy to bring you a blessing". While I do genuinely mean that, it thrills me so much to know that "I" did something that mattered to someone else. When I have those calls or comments I rush to "brag" to my wife about what was said about me. Webster's defines humility as "the quality or state of being humble" and humble as "not proud or haughty : not arrogant or assertive" I am a spotlight junky, meaning I really enjoy the attention. Christ the King of Kings was born in a feeding trough, lived homeless, washed feet, and served the rejected all to point the attention to God, His Father. While I want Ember to have talents and gifts and to have opportunities to use them, I pray that she will not get the big head or rub people's noses in the fact that she may be better than they are at a particular thing. I hope that she can gracefully receive a compliment and project the glory to God keeping none for herself.

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that I would learn humility so I can exemplify it to Ember. I pray that she will acknowledge you as the provider of her strengths, talents, and gifts and allow you to receive the praise and glory for them. When a compliment comes I hope that she will receive it with a humble heart, and when she wins, I pray that she will not be pulled into the bright lights of a stage of fame, but reflect your light to the spectators. Allow Ember to develop a humble spirit in all she accomplishes. In Jesus' name, I pray this prayer for the person my daughter will be. Amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Being open about even that struggle is actually being humble :) you're already on the way...

    Amen Lord, Ember will be such a shining example of your light!
