Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 94: Ember Faith Prayer Countdown

All through the Bible, the anointing of God is seen as a symbol of His power and presence resting upon the anointed one. The anointed one is also set apart for a special purpose. We desire that our own lives would be covered by the anointing of God, and today we pray for God's anointing on Ember's life.

God, You are great! You are far beyond our comprehension. We know that Your power is far greater than we will ever know. So, today, we pray that Your power would rest on our lives and the life of our precious unborn child. We pray that You would set Ember apart for a special purpose and that Your presence would forever be with her. It is our desire to see our daughter accomplish far greater things for You than we could ever imagine, so take her life and anoint it! May Your power and presence be so evident in her life that others would stop and take notice. This we pray as we await the arrival of our precious Ember Faith.

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